video games & dinner
Today, unlike yesterday, was kind of dumb. I had a lot of fun, but at the same time the sheer unproductiveness was weighing on my mind. I basically got nothing done except I played guitar/practised "Stairway to Heaven" for the day; in essence, the opposite of yesterday.
We played "Rampart" (SNES). We played endless games and variants on "Super Smash Brothers" (N64)... there was even some "Champions of Norrath" (PS2). My only other accomplishment worth noting was that Foo & I successfully cooked dinner: that's right! we barbecued hamburgers, cooked french fries in the oven, sautéed onions on the stove (not such a success) and all in all had a pretty good meal without any assistance from the parental units.
Somewhere in there were about 5 pushups as well, but my forearms cry out to me "we need exercise! Let us grip the villainous wankinator and test our might against it!" But that didn't happen either. All in all, I'm not very satisfied with my accomplishments. Maybe I'm just a little morose and pessimistic. I don't know what I can do about that right now though. I'm talking to my better half (the perennial font of joy and wisdom) so maybe that will help. I did some more googlewhacking, but it's a bit of a guilty pleasure.
Total Googlewhacks to date: 32
I know what you should do! HAVE SEX WITH LAURA!!!
oops. I was refering to Alleah's comments on Kevin's blog. I apologize for the miscommunication. It was my fault.
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