Here it is

Well, there it is. I paid all of 376 NT for that haircut. I kept my ponytail too, just not attached to my head. Now I am ready to be confused at a Taiwanese High School. Note the sweat due to excessive heat.
Anyway, I also went to a Rotary meeting, where I had to give a speech in chinese. It was very short, to say the least. The sad thing was, I asked if they wanted a Canadian flag, adding "to put next to your flag, that you sing the national anthem at when a meeting begins." Unfortunately, Taiwan--having sovereignty issues--does not use the flag/song at Rotary meetings. This is because China insists on owning Taiwan: also note at the Olympics, Taiwan is called "Chinese Taipei" and they have a random flower for a flag, not their real flag. What I didn't expect was that my club is ladies' club, so all the members are women. I have only seen like two male Rotarians this whole time.
Anyway, as always I urge you all to post a comment. Or two. I like comments.
OH MAN!!!! it is the Kevin J Dobson of yesteryear! Did you mourn the loss of your overgrown locks Kevin? Did you despair?
Nice.My club is all men because women aren't allowed to be in rotary in Finland for some reason. So that was an interesting fact I learned at Rotary today.
I like it!
Hey kevin, how does it feel to be taken back to gr. 9 or 10. I know you couldn't pass for 18 anywhere anymore. Long hair is the key to age. except when you are bald. I saw a 25 yr. old bald guy with blond hair and I thought he was like 50 cuz I thought the blond hair was actually grey. :| I am having hopefully a huge birthday party 2morO, and it sux that you aren't here, but you can just sing me happy birthday in Taiwan. lol jk. gl at school.
OH MY GOOD LORD!!!! Actually, it looks pretty good. Have fun in Taiwanese school!!!
my mom (with her superlong locks) is offended at your long-hair-being-the-key-to-age comment, Brad! fear her wrath!
Yeah, sometimes hair seems like apparent age. Which is why (to my great consternation) Olives became Foo's "glass box man" at age 16. I think it's interesting to note how many--though not all--older women eventually end up with really short haircuts. What do you think? By the time I get to somewhere where the age of majority is not 20, I will be 18, so whatever. I kept most of my hair, so I don't miss it much.
Way to go with the haircut Kevin! Great look for you and probably cooler in that Taiwan heat. We'll miss you at Brad's birthday party and wish you were here.
Val Neilson
good riddance.
haha, jk, i was just tempted to say that on account of the melo-dramatic comment above mine. i loved your long hair, but this new, younger kevin look is also enjoyable.
oh! and don't think you got off so easay! we WILL straighten your hair...when you get back!
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