Making it badass with bacon
To any readers I might possibly have out there who prefer not to eat meat for whatever reasons, I apologize in advance. But I recently had my most successful cooking experience since eggbread (a relative show of finesse compared to the fried rice)--that's right, I, Kevin Dobson, cooked something not using a breadmaker that is kind of good-tasting. Behold:

It was good... Dan asked if I was "broadening my horizons" & I think that I am, at least my trying to cook stuff sometimes horizons. Also, Taiwan things are kind of entering my dreamscape, though I believe I am still dreaming in English. Incidentally, some people had mentioned they wanted to see pictures of stuff, so here is the fantastically small kitchen, check it:

And if that looks tall, it's not. The hood of the stove is lower than my head by a little. Anyway, yesterday after Chinese class I went with Scott to Dingxi. We checked out MP3 players, hilarious Taiwanese computer games, and then to the bookstore to look at children's books. I was tempted to buy some, because they have bopomofo and I was kind of understanding one, but they're expensive.
Also, check out the hardcore links I made for Alleah's blog... what do y'all think? Should I do the same for this blog? feedback requested. K out
I totally think you should post links to everybody's BLOWGS on here, then I'd be able to just hop and skip from blog to blog in the mornings! how useful for me!
hey kev. yah you better get with the time having links on your blog. it is all about the hardcore network for strangers, or even friends who want to look at other friend's blogs. what the devil is "bopomofo"?
And I thought my host family's kitchen was small...
..And I am ridiculously proud of the fact that I can read the dates on your journal...
That was Nicole, btw... sorry.
Links would be great. I miss all the people who used to hang with you--such a diverse, talented and interesting bunch.
Yeah, Kevin cooking! M
Hi - I really like your website. I have one on art asian martial here is the link to it. Come visit it and let me know what you think.
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