Happy Solstice everyone
The shortest day of the year, and the one that marks (in my crazy view of the calendar) the official beginning of winter. I don't know when I decided that, but that's what I think, yup.
Anyway, before I forget, let me praise the virtues of my electric razor. Its battery life is fantastic, I think I used it for about 4 months before it needed recharging. Speaking of recharging, I recharged my cell and now I can't find it. Which is bad, because it's useful, and I was also borrowing it from the Chens. And also, my laptop keyboard just decided to be all like "fuck you" to me today, right in midsentence. So I am now a little irked, but supremely glad I brought this extra keyboard in my infinite wisdom.
So, today... well, this morning I sung "White Christmas." I kind of screwed up, but it still sounded good so I got lots of compliments. In PE I decided I didn't feel like swimming because I left my goggles & stupid hat at home & also my leg is kind of messed up. So I hung out with the majority of the girls who conveniently forget their swimming clothes every time. Kate (Xierenjie) & I sung "Colors of the Wind" and I did 25 situps and some pushups.
English conversation was random, I basicaly ended up teaching Kenta a little English & just as much Chinese. Ivan, Alex & Sarah just talked about different clubs most of the time, & what ones they would do for New Year's, and proper technique for drinking a lot before and stuff so you can save money. Talk Chinese with Denise class was good, she taught me a bit of good stuff, and we talked; learned a new children's poem. I love those.
Staring at lunch, we did a BBQ in my Scout class. But they are so wussy, to make a fire they always use charcoal. And this time we had blowtorches to make the charcoal light, and lighters to light the blowtorches. I mean, come on. But it was random and fun and pretty good. After that I went to the office for this random class they gave me, where I have to talk to different office staff & waste their time. At first I thought it would be busy work, but I ended up learning some new words, how to write stuff, and got valuable practise. This one guy gave me 6 out of a possible 5 "because you can write very difficult words" (trans). It was fun.
Art we continued with the painting, then a short choir practise for the 2nd movement of that song. So many people didn't come because they had cram school. Afterwards, waiting for the bus I saw Eleven (met her on the bus when she wanted to talk to Alex). Talked to her online this evening, as well as Anna. Agreed to go shopping at like Ximending tomorrow after Chinese. Hooray.
Once home, we had a good dinner plus the little white balls with the goodness inside. I think the outside is glutinous rice derived. It is in the freezer & then you put it in hot water and it gets warm / soggy. Also, figured I should give you all another picture. This'un is from the choir trip. Huzzah:

The girl in the pastel blueish thing is my class leader, 'Kate' -- she is a pretty good soprano. I liked her for a while but she has a boyfriend (I am pretty sure), being the guy in the glasses with the black hair and black shirt. Time for bed for me. Also tried to explain English equivalents to "加油" jia you to Kenta today, but it's hard because there isn't just one.[35 minutes]
hey, you should make a band called K.Dob and the Taiwanese, and use that pic as the cover of your first CD. *shakes fist* dooo it...!
another great pic! (I am still recovering from the last one)--G
Arrrrrgh I keep forgetting to sign my comments Connie. Oh well, c'est la vie. More pictures, arr.
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