Post-numbering secrets revealed!!
This post isn't as exciting as you'd think, but in response to Megan's question, I like to mark events such as the 50th & 100th post. It got tiresome counting up from 50, so I marked post 69. Then that got irritating in and of itself, so I have started numbering them again. Now I don't need to though...
Anyway, recently I was delighted by a rather hilarious page entitled 10 Worst Black Metal Pics. Also entertaining are the only web comic I read & toothpastefordinner's deligthful drawings.
In response to Connie's question, I did indeed feel a bit lame. I met some of Amy's reporter-friends, and I stopped hating them shortly after they started talking to me in Chinese (& stopped talking to me in English). There's nothing quite so frustrating as, when trying to immerse oneself in a language by going to a country where it is spoken, having people talk English at you because you are white (at least in this author's humble opinion -- I'm sure people telling you that you suck on a daily basis would also work).
But yesterday was a it of a contender as well. In the morning I got up, and we went to the birthday party of this girl I met the first day I came to this house in Nanshijiao. Of course, it was the family party, not the college-friends-craziness party, but whatever. Then for the rest of the day, I talked to people on MSN... in the early evening I finished Ruined by Reading while eating chocolate. High-quality chocolate I might add.
At that point, I went to bed (9:30ish) because I was feeling tired. Just randomly.
Now, it's 9:30 again... I think that this evening's Rotary event will prove to be most suckitudinous, but we'll see. I have things I want to say right now, but I won't judge it until it's over. If it blows enough I might be forced to rant in a very biased way; however, it remains to be attended. All I have now is the anticipation.
Here's a picture of the styrofoam cake cover, & the effects of flame thereon:

Ive always loved
reading while eating chocolate is like a drug to me. i mean, it's combining the two best things in the WORLD..!
btw...what do you think of bach and I (or maybe just bach, with her "rundy" character) starting some online comic thing?
Anyway, it didn't turn out as lame as I'd thought, namely because Scott & I spent like the whole time hitting on/talking to these college girls who were dance students. Got invited to their performance too, way out in Banqiao where no-one goes ever. *sigh*
Also met the President-Elect of Rotary International, a Swede in fact. I listened to his speech, but it was broken up by translation & thus took forever. It also happened to be his (70th or 80th) birthday. Scott & I found where he was sitting & left our business cards with little notes... unfortunately he was out. Vino wasn't exactly being the nicest person ever, either, but everyone's eyes remained in their sockets.
Tomorrow I'm going to the Zoo with Kaylee & some people so that should be fun... maybe penguins maybe Koalas... weather might be too cold for some little guys to be roaming around out of doors tho. We'll see how it is.
Anyway, Amay, let me give your idea some thought. I would always caution to protect your intellectual property rights, and the likes. But if you can make it in business, it's all good. like ctrl-alt-del guy.
rock on
Kevin, I got an absolutely HUGE laugh out of that black metal pics site. two thumbs up. I believe I'll have to show it to others who will appreciate it. For example, Luke Nixon.
Ahhh mentioning of Luke in the comments... heh
Penny Arcade pwns Ctrl-Alt-Del any day. #95 = WOO.
Sorry for not using proper grammar :P
according to M.Sornarajah, D.Jones, C.Smith and various other wellington females, including myself. Luke is SOOOOOOOOOOO cute ;)
Thank-you for clarifying the blog numbering for me!...I feel better.
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