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星期五, 4月 01, 2005

"Can a frog save the world?"

or, how basically all I did today was go to a sticker-picture-place but it turned out all right in the end. As it is April Fool's Day, I am will try to avoid all humour & deception. Or, all humour that involves deception.

I have been pretty busy lately, what with Avril on Tuesday, Taoyuan on Wednesday, staying up late for no reason on Thursday, and this Friday night a few things...

Today I went to school as usual, though super-tired (12:00 AM to 6:00 AM is not enough). Basketball with S210 in the rain kind of sucked, but at least they didn't wuss out and go inside... to call that P.E. I did some sleeping in parts of morning classes as well. Oh, in Sanmin Zhuyi we talked about "minsheng" but I didn't understand what the lady was saying except for the simple definition... I need to read through the text & look up some stuff then I think I'll get it. I did note discussion of the "two shores" Taiwan / China issue in class. They decided what parts of the 3 Principles it fell under (i.e. which kinds of rights and other stuff).

After lunch had a good class of Chinese with LIAO Ling-ling, she's come up with a new method for going through the text which seems to work quicker. Taiwanese people just have some really different opinions about stuff, like their relationship to authority & role in a group. Question everything is what I always say (well, what I actually always say is "smash the state" but that's beside the point). Chinese class was pretty random, got a handle on some grammatical constructs I understood but didn't/couldn't use before. We've got a 1000 wd essay to do soon, handwritten of course. After class I changed clothes, then proceeded with Scott to Gongguan, and I thence to Yongan Market.

I met Fabio--turns out my phone won't make calls anymore, even though there's still money on it--and we went to the music store. If I hadn't mentioned already, he's in a band, but can't make it to their performance so I am filling in... playing Rob Zombie nonetheless. I plan to avoid making the same repetitive fast beat & instead just improvise the whole thing. The practise is tomorrow, as we discovered, so we went to MOS burger. I had a burger, and then another, just so I could try the rice-instead-of-bun goodness~ I hadn't had it before. Fabio & I also talked awhile.

As for the evening: As I will speak about later regarding the craziness in Taoyuan (in another post) we scored an invite with good xiaojies to go to Shilin Night Market. Turns out Rotary decided to change the plans & not only were fewer ch1x0rz going, but some Rotarians and all of the Japanese exchange students who have been making a short visit to Greg's club/district. Now, I do enjoy talking to Japanese people, but these girls were a little young (Grade 9). All of that crowd also came late.

To make a long story short most of the evening sucked and was boring. We went to the picture place & it was kind of fun, for a while. Eventually the Rotarians were just dicking around at like 10:30... going to take everyone in TAXIs back to Taoyuan... it takes 30 minutes by TRAIN. We couldn't figure out if they were drunk, insane, or just couldn't comprehend the cost. Michael, an outbound girl & I were eventually like "fuck it" and headed for the MRT. Michael lives by Houshanpi, so the girl was going to go to Kunyang that way. I informed her of the excellent buses all the way to Donghu--she lives somewhat near Dahu--from Yuanshan MRT.

This is where the evening turned around. Hooray for talking to people in Chinese, it never ceases to make my day. Turns out Lisa is going on exchange to Oregon this year... anyone up for a road trip to Oregon? I'll be going eventually, to visit her & Kaylee. All in all this was a fun experience and I made one more Taiwanese friend, yay.

In response to comments:

Mother-- email checked, will respond in a while.

Brianna-- I don't know I'll be able to do that kind of lifting; after all, I am not exactly a mighty and strong-jawed French hunter like Gaston. I am 'less than happy' in general & would say that recently it has been better. Today was good. This month I am busy and not to be bored, in fact lots of kickass events are coming up. I like the idea of Long Beach as well... I plan on heading up-Island to visit people too.

Brad-- well, I just did 30. The faster they are, the easier, to a point. After that, my cardiovascular system can't keep up. Apparently Scott met this one guy (a U.S. Marine) who did 400 of the course of 45 minutes one time. You also have a bench press, but I'm not sure how much the muscle groups for the two activities overlap.

With that, bed for me. Tomorrow brings choir + drum practise, then a full day choir event on Sunday, then DIANA KRALL ON MONDAY, w00t. People think I'm going to Kenting, but I'm not... there's also word (which I've not heard) that my choir might go to China. That would be pretty sweet. keep on rocking [30 minutes] K out


Anonymous 匿名 said...

i love the sticker-pictures...love. that was my favorite part of dry grad. I don't really care how sad that sounds :) . YAY--way to show off your super drum skills! i hope you'll do some of those fancay tricks I saw you do before, with the throwing and the switching..

星期五, 4月 01, 2005 10:27:00 下午  
Blogger bradfurd said...

economy is what its all about. but it also must be combined with mass accumulation of assets or just spending money on services. then business prospers, but you still get the most for your money. The best situation is when you can spend lots of money, have a good time, but get nothing else in return. just movement of cash is good. all spawned from saving money on transportation . :D

星期日, 4月 03, 2005 12:23:00 上午  
Blogger bradfurd said...

DST is a foolish practise, but we move the clocks one hour ahead.

星期日, 4月 03, 2005 1:41:00 下午  


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