I'll post you / everyone is moving to university
Hmm, what have I been up to lately? A lot of things I'm sure, but I don't feel like going all into detail about every day. I know I haven't been sleeping enough. I finished "Guns, Germs & Steel," and then "The Good Women of China," followed by "Dark Age Ahead." Now I'm reading a book on congnitive therapy. Good Women of China was excellent, but short. GGS rocked DAA, a lot. I learned so much from the former, but to be fair I learned a little bit from the latter as well.
Brad moved to Vancouver on Tuesday. On Friday I went to a random party at Kyle's. I saw some random people like Jordan Tidey, and some people got drunk off their asses. We climbed the roof of Forest Park school, which is pretty easy & fun. It was dark though, so hard to see things. The next evening was a bbq for Brad, which was great. We ate lots of burgers, a good group came, and good pool / video games were played.
Sunday was D&D. Monday: Brad, Alana, Amay, Bethany, Russel (from Alberta) & I went to Newcastle. I haven't been there for the longest time, but we had some fun. That evening I got together with Bralana, Ruiz & E-sag, and Devin for a kind of ending thing. In honour of Brad, the three of us guys used our skills -- Devin dressed up, I rocked & grooved all hardcore on drums, and Chris performed a rap which he had written. I helped Brad pack up the surround sound system which we had deployed so many years ago.
Today I went to Vic with the 'fubs & Russel after breakfast with G. Toured Legislature, saw Bethany's cat, made her get her L, etc. Had dinner at "John's Place" and ran into Alex Brennan & Tyler Macmillan there. This evening I saw a bunch of random people at Tim Horton's, incl. Madura, and then played pool for several hours with Can & Rahim.
pro photography kev. kudos
kev whats your mal sched
that was a fun last week. my friends in Nanaimo are awesome
I swear, if you ever call them Bralana again, I'll never read your blog again! Brangelina, TomKat, and Bennifer SICKEN ME! Do you hear me? SICKEN ME!
Bralana...hahahaha. thats cute. Kev seein u @ school was p-r-o! maybe ill run into again tomorrow.
haha--didn't even notice the Bralana thing. good job kevin...and by the way, it's time for a new POST, dernnit
i changed my blog addy its agreenshade.blogspot.com now
Kevin is among the l33t few taking a truly full course load of 5 classes. (3 credits/class) 5 classes/semester = 15 credits / semester. two semesters / year = 30 credits / year. 120 credits/degree. Therefore, Kevin will have a degree in the average 4 years if he keeps it up. That is why he is studying now as opposed to posting :P.
You played D&D? Did I rub off on you? =D
Post or I'll have to take you off my favoruites list :(
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