random violence & video games
Before you pre-judge what I'm about to say, let me offer this disclaimer: it's not about violence in video games! I may mention it in passing, but I am 100% in favour of violent video games (just in case you got the wrong idea from the title). Today was a fairly good day... Foo & I got up before noon to go to the 1st annual "Hammermania" charity fundraiser, and--to speak in the parlance of Laura--it was buckets of fun.
At first, we watched people doing "professional wrestling." Then, the "Realm Riders" took turns catching big air and riding over a huge box van (until one, Sheldon by name, landed badly on his shoulder/face). We watched teams of local businesspeople beat in the roofs of cars; the most priceless was watching a guy from Tom Harris' jump up and down on top of a car. We even went to Zellers and bought 500ml of isopropanol (rubbing alcohol). But, that was only the start of the day.
After I got money at the mall (to pay/donate for smashing time), we returned to find most of the events wrapping up. Some of the bike riders were working on a car at such a pace I knew they weren't paying for it. I kept looking for someone to give money to, so I could hit a car for the life experience and so that Foo could (as he desired) bash off an untouched mirror. Somehow, we managed to insinuate ourselves into helping the other boys destroy a car. It was hard work (as my delts will attest) but very fun and rewarding, and as an added bonus, once we gave up on the first car, a new car was presented to us for smashing.

I was delighted beyond words, as was Foo. He proceeded to knock off a mirror (took several swings). I broke some lights, then climbed up onto the trunk and began bashing in the roof with the help of another guy. Once we were done with that car, I donated $10 to whatever charity it was, and then helped sweep up debris. Foo soon informed me that I should help him loot, because there was "good stuff" in the cars. I found a tire iron, and between us we looted:
2 hubcaps
1 rear-view mirror
1 vanity mirror
3 owner's manuals
2 random cassettes
countless logos (i.e. "Limited," "Buick")
All in all, it was a mega-fun, highly rewarding experience. Moreover, it benefited charity, and thus I highly suggest you go next year. As for Foo & I? We went home on the bus! with our hubcaps and the iron dangling from Foo's bag. When we got home I called Alleah, who came over later. Foo made burgers and I defrosted the buns to the "Rocky Horror Show" soundtrack. We started calling various people, but got few "hang-out bites."
After dinner we started playing Super Smash Bros, and taught Alleah the rudiments of the game. Amay showed up after a while, so then we all played together, having tons of fun. Eventually, Foo & 'Lexis-girl went to see a movie up-town, so Alleah & I went with Amay to the Clarkes' down the street. Bethany & Rastapoppus were there watching some movie. Alleah left just before the end--which was bad, to go with the overall mediocrity--to catch a bus. Then, Amay, Bethany, 'Poppus & I hung out until around midnight. We listened to the Dead Alewives' D&D thing, which was as funny as ever (and which 'poppus had heard before) and then went our separate ways.
Total Googlewhacks to date: 58
Hey kevin,
Haha, hammermania sounded pretty awesome and that is a cool pic of foo. I miss Nanaimo and look forward to getting back. That is very random that Amay showed up. Kind of random like us at their place. The isopropanol sounds like potential flaming hack (or flaming whatever else you put it on). coming home on Tuesday, hopefully to do stuff. C ya. Good job on googlewhacks and check out all of the downloads.
what does "parlance" mean? I gather it has something to do with speech?
I just noticed, or didn't notice rather, your banner of ad at the top of your blog. My congrats to you on ridding yourself of the blasphemy of the very people who sponsored you.
Brad the Piano Man
parlance is "a particular manner of speaking," so 'the parlance of Laura' = 'the way in which Laura speaks,' or 'the way of speaking particular to Laura.' Anyway, we should possibly hang out mon or tues, though Wed is of course Laura p-tay day.
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