Choir Trip Day 2
I got up around 6:30 in the morning, due to a wake-up call from a few choir ladies (incl. Rolin whom I sort of like) ... naturally my hair looked really stupid due to showering at night & then sleeping on it. Sometime in there I got a call from Alice, and I talked to Luke some more at breakfast. The sun was really nice out & I took advantage of the light. We went to a kind of buddhist place, with a really big bhodisattva (buddha?) statue and a tower. I went to the top of the tower and saw the good hotel where we didn't stay, which was conveniently near our hostel:

Then we got on the bus and watched "Shark Tale" while driving up, and up, and up. Eventually we ended up 3275m up Hehuan mountain (合歡山 hehuanshan), then subsequently walked up a very, very steep alpine-meadow type slope. You can kind of see what the terrain looks like in this one, as well as the vestments of many people. I actually underdressed for this one:

As we got higher & higher, it got cold, then damn cold. An ice wind arose, bringing in the windchill factor. There was snow on the ground though--something exciting and novel to most of the Taiwanese children. Snowball fights & stuffing of snow down shirts quickly ensued, going to show that children everywhere do this naturally, & it is more a spontaneous than learned behaviour. There was also an unmanned but running (locked up) military/radio facility, along with an underground parkade. Not to mention the little pillboxes/fortifications for riflemen. I just thought I'd show a picture of people being excited by snow:

In the evening at our mountain hostel, it was a little chillay. I had a headache from being out in the cold too long so I popped an advil (I still have more than half of the original 8 or 12 I brought). In the evening we looked at constellations & I could see Orion, even with the bow. I found alternate sleeping arrangements so I could go to bed around 10:30. w00t
Today I got up pretty late, chitchatted on MSN a bit then went to Scott's again. We finished watching the first season of "Full Metal Panic," then ending of which was a bit odd, & had some pineapple buddha fruit. This fruit is a hybrid of pineapple & buddha fruit and it's only available in Taiwan. It is very good, though I don't know if I--as Scott has--can declare it yet the best fruit ever. Later the 1st, I plan to go to see some live indie rock with American Alex... finally! Live music that's not pop or classical: it's been that long. Rock on [1 hour 10 minutes] K out
EDIT: fixed a grammatical error and removed a gross < hr > tag.
wow--can you believe you've been gone for 5 months already?? crazay...time just slips by.
mmm. climbing a mountain. you like passed the snow line and the tree line. h-core. mmm Tv shows on dvd. I regret that i will not be able to taste this fruit do to international laws regarding the transport of organic objects.
I can't believe I spelt "due" wrong. I must have been really tired :|
1)I love how the middle guy in the group pic is a complete 180 to everyone else.
2) The top left hand corner guy is really cute. And the girl with the white jacket with her hood on is cute too.
3) I hope you had a fun time.
4) What's buddha fruit?
5) I think I just enjoy making lists.
Pics are awesome, Indie Rock is awesome, YOU are awesome.
Ama': Time does indeed just slip by. I remember back in the good old days when you were still living between Brad & myself, and like a 1 minute run away (instead of a 12 hour flight away). ConGRATulations on the movage tho.
mother: Rotary's job isn't to organize trips... mass group events suck ass & go against my personality. Rotary's job is to rubber-stamp any travel plan I have so I can discover for myself, not see what others want me to see while staying with my group, dammit.
Brad: Well it wasn't really climbing as only the out-of-shape Taiwanese people (i.e. everyone) had problems. I was just a little winded by the top, but it was only like 200m of height, so w/e. TV shows on DVD or cd (computer) rock a lot~it's my preferred way to watch. Those international laws don't prohibit the transport of the organic object known as 'you' though, do they?
Connieeeeee: Yeah, people are better at 'cute' here... also being young sometimes helps. I concur though, and also enjoy the boy's rotation (I think if you hover over the pic you me mention that). Buddha fruit is a pretty ok fruit--it's the hybrid that rocks all. I had ok fun.
Alanna: Thanks, I concur, & you flatter me.
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