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星期日, 2月 06, 2005


I saw this on Megs' livejournal. As always, instances of "journal" have been changed to "blog." Try it, if you'd like:

  • Reply with your name and I will write something about you.

  • I will then tell what song[s] remind me of you.

  • Next, I will tell you who you remind me of, celebrity/animated or otherwise.

  • Last, I will try to name a single word that best describes you.

  • Put this in your blog

  • Anyway, on Friday a lot of stuff happened. In fact, I put in a 21-hour day, while still managing to maintain sleep of about 9 hours a night... Thursday evening I found myself at Scott's again hanging out with him & Luke (made Luke watch Rejected). Friday morning everybody had to meet at some side entrance to City Hall & we then proceeded to enjoy the suckiness that is being in a large group organized by Taiwanese people.

    Got to see all the exchangees & at various points talk to outbounds, w00t. We all went to the 89th floor of 101, which is a wussy three hundred something metres up, but you can still see the bridge north of Danshui on a clear day. It was not a clear day.

    Later on we roamed around the mall part at the bottom of 101... I went to the big bookstore with Ivonne & we talked a bit. Subsequently all returned to the basement of City Hall for lunch. Samantha, Nastasha, Katie, & I were situated at the important table with some random Rotarians, apparently because the mayor would be there later; we were expected both to not make trouble and be able to speak some Chinese. There was a call for entertainment so a couple people including myself went up (on the promise of prizes) and hit up the crowd. Eventually the Mayor did indeed come.

    We were supposed to ask him questions, so I asked him whether he wanted to be the President in the future (all presidents of taiwan since the jiang rule ended have served as mayor of taipei before their election, just as a trend, not a rule) but he dodged my answer like a true politician. Later we 'discovered' Taipei by being inside this little museum, instead of free to roam the city on our vacation. The movie was nice, because it was so badly done it was clearly propoganda, so it wasn't like insidious or anything. The Japanese lady was there, which always makes my day.

    After everything wrapped up, Scott went home to pack, Claire went off to cram school (paid for by Rotary... *chinstroke*) and other people either went off places or headed off in a big group to hang out. I went with 4 girls to a coffee shop where we had a long, interesting conversation. About 3 hours long.

    After I got home, I had dinner and then started packing... and packed more, and more. I have a lot of stuff, incl. too many clothes. I really want to send a box of stuff back, to make room. Somewhere in there I wrapped some presents to Amy & Joe, and needless to say finished very late. Still got my sleep in though.

    Yesterday I moved host families. It's far away from everythiny now. Also, carrying several trips of quite heavy bags up 5 flights of stairs was not exactly fun (though I suppose it counts as exercise. In the evening we went to some sort of New Year's event at the company that supplies lunch boxes to my new host father's schol. The karaoke was bad, for the most part, although food was o.k. Major plus: my bedroom has a piano in it. w00t w00t w00t ...

    I spread the writing of this post over more than 6 hours. Most of it was spent enjoying the silliness of ubersite.com--certainly over-the-top but not suitable for everyone. lol

    K out


    Anonymous 匿名 said...

    3)What's cram school?
    4)Helllllll yeah, I found them =] But we can go shopping in six months anyway. Maybe I need the matching top set or something.
    5)Going to coffee shops are tres fun, people have such intense conversations there. I'm a consumer bitch courtesy of Starbucks [Venti Soy Chai Latte]. Mmmmm.
    6)I wonder how many other users actually read the comments like I do...
    7) Srsly, lists are weeeee!


    星期日, 2月 06, 2005 1:41:00 下午  
    Blogger amyleigh said...

    a piano in your room?! I'm so jealous! that's one thing I really, really miss, already. a piano in your room! that's always been a dream of mine! I better hear of you taking advantange of that and playing crazay *chopin peices.

    *personal favorite of mine, but you may prefer bach, or brahms, or grieg, or beethoven, or rachmanininoff, or EVEN mozart...or you may even prefer a happy mixure!

    星期日, 2月 06, 2005 7:30:00 下午  
    Blogger K said...

    * We have ridiculous long conversations, except they just end up going into the evening for me, yet you stay up until 4 / 5 AM. Did I ever mention I am still puzzled by how we sometimes eat dinner at the same time with a 16 hour time difference? :P
    * "And all that jazz" reminds me of you, because you sometimes have that one display picture, the image of which I can never erase from my mind.
    * You remind me of characters from 'Teen Girl Squad.'
    * I was going to say "employed," but that describes several people who aren't me... so I am going to go with "l33t."
    In response: 'tsop' is backwards for 'post.' Call this shamelessly lifting from retro Tim-style post-titling, but that's how it is. Cram school is where Taiwanese people go, for the most part, after their regular school ends (some come home and eat, then go)... it's like, as if going to school from 7:30-5:00 wasn't good enough, besides doing homework & studying, you have to go to more school afterwards. Cram school is also liked because it doesn't end on winter/summer break & the English teachers can actually speak real English without chinglish grammar or accent. I know I read comments, & am always jealous (covetous) of the high counts of others. Sometimes I leave interesting info in comments that doesn't make it into my blog until days later b/c I think it would be of specific interest to one person.

    * The memories of hanging out (until midnight only!!) & Brad's epic albeit protracted quest to date you will stay with me forever. I find it quite sillay that you found it necessary to move out so close to your house. :P
    * About half the Brad songs, being ABOUT you, are prone to remind me of you, such as "Amay's Song" & "About a Twin" ... also many Silverchair songs. And "The Water is Wide" which we were going to do for folksong.
    * Robert Frost, not because you resemble him, but because you seem to like his work more than any other person I know.
    * sillay

    * You're one of those people that, in all probability, I have never encountered in real life (though Nanaimo is not all that big a town & I have been to some dramatic productions) ~ looking forward to meeting you all on my return.
    * "For Martha" by Smashing Pumpkins
    * Your name just makes me think of Lanky, in one of his goofier moods.
    * I was going to say "dramatic" but that's wrong, then "passionate about drama" turned out to be three-words, so hyphenated "fun-loving" it is.

    星期一, 2月 07, 2005 10:00:00 下午  
    Anonymous 匿名 said...

    Hot damn Kevin, you know me so well. Employed was the word you were going to pick? Tsk tsk, and which TGS do I remind you of? The ugly one? Hahah


    星期二, 2月 08, 2005 4:12:00 下午  
    Blogger bradfurd said...

    piano in room is quite awesome. you should get some
    Pantera kevin, specifically "Cowboys from hell". They are an insane metal band, and the drummer, Vinnie Paul, is insane on the double kick. The song "becoming" shows you this.

    星期二, 2月 08, 2005 5:23:00 下午  
    Blogger meg said...

    Megs. :P

    星期四, 2月 10, 2005 1:17:00 上午  
    Blogger K said...

    -Indeed, we must pwn due to our hard-languages... I mean none of that wussy Romance Languages stuff, not to mention the people who went to Australia & just learn some vocabulary & a different accent.
    -A few Silverchair songs, viz. "Slave" , "The Greatest View" (in my mind: Megs... songs...hmm and it started playing in my head) & "Tomorrow." I'm not exactly sure the reason. Can I actually play Beatles songs on the piano?
    -As for characters, I would say Mary Jane from spiderman (but partially because of your hair color at the time I saw you).
    -I would say something like "cheerful" or "optimistic" for a word; meaning that you always seem in a good and confident that the future will continue to not suck.

    rock on

    星期一, 2月 14, 2005 7:05:00 上午  


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