Happy New Year 1979 ... or rather 2006
"The good news is that nobody got pregnant. Except Rick."
Well let's just say I certainly enjoyed ringing in the new year with Chris & company. On the day of the 31st I watched a PPV hockey game with Grant at the Avalon. The people running it were kind of amateur hour, they couldn't get it to play and we thus missed the first 10 minutes of the game and the picture wasn't that clear, but it was still pretty good hockey.
The festivities at Chris' house were pretty sweet. We met some Dover girls incl. Rick's girlfriend and one of Chris' ex-girlfriends. Obviously, because they are girls, they were bad at planning and came crazy late, but that just means we started playing video games late, which is tolerable. We made some pretty good jello too.
Anyway, have a good year. I need to get ready for school in 2 days, including buying my textbooks and a bus pass. Rock on.
See u @ school!
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