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星期一, 1月 16, 2006

54 litres

The guy at the gas station had to ask why I was wearing my housecoat. I couldn't think of a suitably witty reply, so I apprised him that there were no particular reason, other than that I prefered to make the drive from Victoria to Nanaimo in comfort.

This was merely the conclusion of a fairly active weekend. Friday I went to class, then shopped for Mother's birthday presents (including a run-in with Gregg at Chapters, and an epic quest for Turkish Delight). I also played quite a bit of 'Champions: Return to Arms' for PS2. Oh, and my drum books arrived.

Saturday, we had breakfast as a family, then went (minus Foo) to Margaret Brown's "Celebration of Life" ceremony. It wasn't really a funeral as no body was present to be interred nor cremated, but there was an Anglican minister presiding for much of it. There were some great anecdotes and personal stories that wouldn't have seemed out of place at a wedding reception.

Subsequently we returned home. I packed some things, and then we went to dinner, for Mum's birthday dinner. I accidentally went to Hong Kong House in stead of Shanghai City at first. Quite a few of the Pozar clan were in attendance. Uncle Ralph said he couldn't guarantee me a job at the mill as I wasn't his offspring but that I should apply anyway. I also saw Sharon Sinclair on my way out.

Then I began the drive to Victoria. It was uneventful though I didn't make excellent time. I had to stop once to switch ABBA cd's and for a bathroom break, but the car was comfortable and conditions were good. I took a different turn from my customary one approaching the Saanich peninsula, so I took longer than I expected to get to Meagan's. There, I met some new people, and we did silly things. Chris brewed a new batch of his customary two flavours, and there was also recently-vinted wine.

One guy Tristan had a bit too much and did some wicked projectile vomiting, but he felt well enough after to clean up. Props to him. Tristan, John & I stayed up late drinking water and talking--it proved to be an excellent idea. Nicole & Laura left randomly in the middle of the night. There are some really hilarious pictures, which I don't have just yet, that some might be entertained to see.

Today, we had some good breakfast then played video games. Afterwards, I tried to get ahold of Bethany, but couldn't... we dropped John off at UVic, and then I got Meagan to call Soobus Gee (no phoning and driving for me). We agreed to meet her, and found out she was hanging out with 'fubs both Ach- and Bach- anyway. So we saw the Soob's new digs, met some people, petted a cute kitty and some other stuff. I saw both the twins, who are now living in Vic, and ate three whole very large hotdogs. Meagan ate about 2.5, but couldn't finish the last one. We watched 'Super Troopers' on DVD and then I went home.


Blogger Unknown said...

turkish delight kevin....? your joking right?,.... ew.

星期一, 1月 16, 2006 11:37:00 下午  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

Bonjour,好久不見!最近好嗎?Thanks for coming to my blog^^" 媽媽要我跟你說因為最近比較忙,所以忘記了你的生日,真是對不起! 我們也快要過新年了,希望你的生活一切愉快喔!

星期二, 1月 24, 2006 11:54:00 下午  
Blogger amyleigh said...

haha I actually like turkish delight...

星期四, 2月 09, 2006 10:16:00 上午  


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